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  • K. L. Savage



  All rights reserved. Except as permitted by U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, or organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. SAVAGE is intended for 18+ older, and for mature audiences only.







  Title Page


  Reading Order—Ruthless World by K.L. Savage



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  Also by K.L. Savage


  Reaper’s Rise (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #0.5)

  Reaper (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #1)

  Boomer (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #2)

  Tool (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #3)

  Poodle (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #4)

  Skirt (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #5)

  Pirate (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #6)

  A Ruthless Halloween (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #6.5)

  Doc (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #7)

  Tongue (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #8)

  A Ruthless Christmas (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #9)

  Knives (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #10)

  Lunatic (Ruthless Kings: Asylum Series, Bk #1)

  Boomer’s Rise (Ruthless Kings: Atlantic City Series, Bk #1)

  Tongue’s Target (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #11)

  Thrasher (Royal Bastards Series, Bk #1)

  Mateo (Moretti Syndicate Series, Bk #1)

  Kansas (Ruthless Kings: Atlantic City Series, Bk #2)

  Chaotic (Ruthless Kings: Asylum Series, Bk #2)

  Mercy (Ruthless Hellhounds Series, Bk #1)

  Bullseye (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #12)

  Orbiting Mars (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #13)

  Slingshot (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #14)

  Rainbow (Ruthless Kings: Baton Rouge Series, Bk #1)

  Whistler (Ruthless Hellhounds Series, Bk #2)

  Tongue’s Taste (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #15)

  Badge (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #16)

  Whistler (Ruthless Kings: Atlantic City Series, Bk #3)

  Triplets Rise (Ruthless Kings: La Grange Texas, Bk #1)

  Savage (Ruthless Kings: La Grange Texas, Bk #2)

  Country (Ruthless Kings: La Grange Texas, Bk #3)

  Raven (Royal Bastards Series, Bk #2)

  Tank (Ruthless Kings: Las Vegas Series, Bk #17)

  To all the strong women keeping it together

  Dream with ambition, lead with conviction, and see yourself in a way that others might not see you, simply because they’ve never seen it before.—Vice President Kamala Harris

  I take a long pull of my cold beer, sitting at the table next to my sister Julia. The men in the house each take turns introducing themselves before becoming scarce except for Eli and Zeke, who are sitting next to their sister. Zeke is the one that had been calling around to find me. Little did he know I already had plans to come to find her. His call just helped me get here quicker. They are watching us in silence, as if at any moment something crazy will happen. And maybe it will.

  Eden is trying to act unfazed, but I can see she’s wound like a fucking top in her posture. The way her chest rises and falls makes me want to yank her upstairs and suck on her gorgeous tits. She’s just as beautiful as I remember. I can see the calculations working behind her emerald eyes.

  She’s wondering if I’m here for revenge after she killed my brother. Or if I’m here to take her.

  Little does she know I’m capable of both.

  I don’t fuck around with people who cross me.

  I take.

  I conquer.

  I destroy.

  And now little Red is about to find out why they call me Savage.

  I’m staring at her, unable to keep my eyes off, even when my mind keeps telling me I should look away. Flashbacks of the night I fucked her in the alley come in waves, sending heat right to my cock. I move down in my seat to be able to open my legs more, hoping for some relief—and knowing she’ll notice.

  If I could do that first night all over again, I would’ve taken her to that motel, fucking her in every way I could to possess her sweet body. The way she gives in to me and loves my hand around her throat. If I had known the only thing that would be on my mind was her since we met, I wouldn’t have let her go. I grip the can so hard the tin crushes under my hand before I realize I’m just as wound up as she is. I get a side-eyed glance from my sister, wondering what’s come over me.

  Julia, thinking I was there to take her home, keeps questioning my motives to be here when there’s no home to go to. I have no plans on doing that. My old MC decided that when they heard the same woman running Miami came here to La Grange as the new Prez of the Ruthless Kings, they wanted a way to get to her.

  I couldn’t stay. I wouldn’t be a part of that. The rules are sexist, to say the least. Here, Julia gets the recognition she deserves for her work, wearing a cut like anyone else in the house. She doesn’t quite get that I followed the long trail her little redheaded Prez left for me. Whether consciously or not, she wants me here, and I know it.

  I’ve been a nomad for a long time. The only place I hung around long enough was Miami, and that was only after needing to do something to fund my travels. It just so happened to be where I ran into Eden. I was on a run, scoping out the nightclub for a target when she caught my eye. Sending her that tequila shot was my way of showing her I wasn’t like all the simple-minded men ready to bend to her will and submit. She looked like she was on the prowl that night to take someone home. Little did she know that she was already my prey.

  From the second she walked away, she consumed me. My dreams, my thoughts, everything had to do with her. The job wasn’t going to give me enough ca
sh to get on the road to La Grange, so I called it off. The calls didn’t help me find her; I didn’t take them. My head was no longer in the game with just surviving and blowing wherever the wind took me; it was wrapped around her little finger as she beckoned me to find her.

  Julia is unknowingly sitting at the table of the woman who killed our brother. She likely has no idea, or there would’ve been retaliation already. While I couldn’t find the feelings that I thought would come when I learned of his death, they will for her. She always tried to see him as she does me, trying to keep the relationship no matter how much of an asshole Walton made himself out to be.

  Honestly, I’m completely fine that Walton met his match in Eden. Whatever brotherly bond we had was dead and buried long before he was. He screwed me over one too many times and it was only the fact that he was my twin brother that kept me from killing him my damn self.

  I saw the soulless look hiding behind his eyes, the lack of conscience, but she refused to. There were too many calls after he would leave her high and dry, too many speculations on what crimes were bloodying his hands, and gruesome crimes scenes in his wake of destruction. I can’t even wonder where he took that hard turn or what in life led him to a psychotic break, but something did. There was nothing we could do, no matter how hard Julia tried.

  Still surprised at myself that I’m here, my stomach churns to think how it would be if he had beaten her. I would’ve killed him for touching her, brotherhood be damned. I doubt he went out without a fight, and the thought of seeing bruises on her gorgeous body left by his massive fists makes me see red. I’d dig him up just to beat him senseless and bury him again if I could—if he even is buried.

  Eden’s more intelligent than that. She likely disposed of his body in a fire, destroying any trace to her or her club. The Ruthless Kings are in her blood. It’s the cornerstone of her life. Ain’t nobody about to hem her up on a fight Walton willingly took part in. I can be dark—savage as my name states—but I still can’t get on his level. Knowing him, if she would have left him alive, she wouldn’t be breathing right now.

  I look around the old farmhouse. You wouldn’t guess right away that it’s probably been around for a hundred years. It’s been updated and is still in pretty good shape. Some more work needs to be done, but I know they just barely moved in.

  Still, it’s set up to fit the large group with a long dinner table in the dining room, a game room fit for a bunch of teenagers, and enough spare rooms that everyone is comfortable, along with a few bunkhouses out back for those wanting their own space. Everything a club needs. I understand that shit was getting pretty rough at the old clubhouse, at least from what I can gather with a talk from the men about what an upgrade it’s been.

  There are no drugs anywhere to be seen, and all weapons are on a person, not lying around haphazardly. She doesn’t run a sloppy clubhouse like most of them. While it’s clear the house is still very much owned by an MC with all the memorabilia and everyone wearing a cut, it’s not dark and dingy like you’d expect. The loud music and lots of drinking are sure typical, but no one’s breaking out in fights, snorting coke off the table, or getting out of hand to get the police involved. They must respect her enough not to act like fools here. I have to wonder what kind of punishments she doles out to keep all these men in line. Something worth not fucking around.

  “Savage?” Eden asks, giving me a pointed look. Her lips are pursed with irritation. My name sounds great on her tongue.

  “Huh?” I clearly didn’t hear her talking to me. My eyes go to her pale pink lips, lingering on them before I roll my eyes up to hers, remembering the bright red lipstick that I smeared the night I met her. Her green eyes are more startling in the light than in the dark club the night we met.

  “I was asking if you’re going to be staying here or if you’re staying in the motel up the road.” She’s impatient for my answer. Her breaths halt as she waits on it, and suddenly, I have a thing for delayed gratification.

  “Up to you, Prez,” I offer with a crooked smile. I want to make her sweat in more ways than one, but this is my second favorite. We can play cat and mouse all day long, but eventually, I’ll get my claws into her, preferably into that sweet ass. Everyone’s eyes bounce between her and me, trying to catch all the unspoken words, unable to miss the underlying current flowing between us.

  “We have a spare room upstairs. No one will take it, on account it’s across the hall from mine,” she says, watching me trying to decipher what she’s implying.

  “And why would that be?” I ask, raising an eyebrow and daring her to answer me. I can only guess, but I want to hear her say it out loud, egging her on to speak the words.

  “No one wants to hear their Prez getting fucked. I guess it would be different if I were a man.” She says it defiantly, as if she knows I didn’t expect her to say it, let alone in front of her brothers. No beating around the bush with her. She’s right, though. Her brother’s rooms are the furthest away from hers, and no one’s sleeping upstairs. If she were a man, there would be no problem hearing him get it on with his ol’ lady. It’s just how things go. I guess that’s one thing she’s come to learn with her new title.

  “So you’re fucking someone then?” I ask, leaning on my elbows and playing with my beard. I’m going for nonchalance, but I’d beat the fuck out of anyone for touching her in front of me. “Do tell, which one is it? You do have plenty to choose from.” My ego doesn’t need to be stroked; I know that no one’s giving her what I can. Just the same as trying to get with a cut-slut back in Miami to ease my needs, but it didn’t work out the way I thought it would.

  She was hanging around one of the parties one night, and after too many shots, I thought I would satiate the need to empty myself into someone. A blonde with perky fake tits way too big for her petite frame and shorts showing off all her merchandise, leaving very little to the imagination. She wasn’t Eden, but no one is. For that night, she was good enough. Someone for me to take.

  Little did I know she was waiting for a line or two, but I must’ve caught her eye because she didn’t ask me right away. But even as I took her, I felt nothing. The urge wasn’t sated and I kicked her out of bed. When I couldn’t fuck her or fuel her drug habit, she went back to the party, calling me a limp dick mother fucker, which has never been an issue in my life. I ended the night with a long hot shower and my cock in my fist, daydreaming about seeing Eden again, fucking her in every way imaginable, with my name falling from her lips with my hand on her throat.

  “I didn’t say that. I’m not fucking any one of my guys.” She didn’t have to say it. I know which one. I saw the way he looks at her, and I would be an idiot to think that she didn’t have someone to warm her bed over the last few weeks. Her guys? I get they may be more like brothers, but the tough guy with eyes for her thinks otherwise, and she’s too intelligent not to see it.

  “The one you’re looking for is….” Zeke is about to spill it before Eli elbows him in the stomach, with a whoosh of air covering the name. Zeke glares at his brother, while Eli acts like nothing happened.

  “You implied it.” I smile and shrug when I see that I’m getting under her skin, her jaw clenching and eyes narrowing at me. I ignore her brother because I don’t actually want to hear it. I know it, and that’s bad enough.

  Eli chooses that moment to clear his throat, mumbling a lame excuse to get out of the room, pulling Zeke away from the table on his way out. Zeke’s covering his mouth to hide his shit-eating grin. Zeke is apparently not the shy one of the two and doesn’t mind stirring shit up.

  Julia doesn’t even make an excuse. She just pushes her chair back, screeching it across the floor before walking away with a look on her face like she just licked a lemon. She’s classier than me; not only would I sit and listen to our conversation if I were her, but I might join in, adding a few jabs if I could.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Eden whispers harshly, leaning closer to me as soon as everyone’s out of the room.
The scent of her washes over me like a fresh strawberry field after rain. There are hints of leather in there, only making her sexier. I want to bury my nose in her hair, breathing her in.

  “What do you think?” I counter, matching her glare with one of my own.

  “Just get your shit so I can show you to your room.” She hops out of her chair, walking up the stairs while looking at me. She’s impatient that I’m taking my time strolling through the living room, making her wait. She’s made me wait this long. If she had only given me her number that night, I would’ve been here the whole damn time. I can draw it out just a bit longer, but fuck if I don’t want to chase her up those stairs and get straight to it.

  Climbing up after her, I can feel all eyes on me, and I smirk in response. They have no idea what to expect. I’ve only had one tiny taste of Eden, realistically, and yet I know exactly why I’m here. What my plans are. I just need to bide my time, working my way to get her to be on the same page. I watch her ass move hypnotically as she takes each step, her tight jeans hugging her curves tightly. She’d probably kick me down the stairs if I grabbed her ass. I’m half-tempted to do it anyway.

  In the room, there’s a bed with a gray comforter and all the furnishings in aged, dark wood. Nothing grand, but they’re not hand-me-downs either. It suits me just fine. She’s leaning against the dresser, watching me look around. It sure as hell beats living in a motel like I have been the last few months. My old Prez, Attila, ran things pretty differently than the Ruthless Kings do. He was definitely set in the old ways. I never really believed in what they were doing, but I worked my way up and proved myself enough to get the privilege to live outside of the clubhouse—which was welcomed. Even the ratty motel I lived in was preferable to that dump.

  “So you’re across the hall then?” I ask, sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing at her door. I wonder what her room looks like if it smells like her. I want to see her bed. I can picture her lying there, imagining my hands on her while she plays with herself to the thoughts of me.

  “Savage, cut the bullshit. What are you doing here?” she demands. She crosses her arms, pushing up her tits and unintentionally showing off her cleavage, but it catches my eye anyway. I want to run my tongue across it, taste the sweetness of her skin, the sweat from our bodies writhing together in ecstasy.